Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Step One: you gotta clean yo' garage!

I know, you thought we'd get right to the fun stuff but no one likes a woman with BAGGAGE, right?! Plus this is my main work-space outside of the kitchen and bedroom so the last thing I need are reminders of all the other old shit I've stored up to this point in my life. If there's one thing I've learned from all the fiction novels I've read and movies I've seen, you never really want to have too much stuff.

So where to start...? I approach cleaning in much the same sense that I regard my old tax records. Which means that after every new year that I file taxes and hold on to the supporting documents, I toss (you should really shred your old tax records but the trash or Goodwill is probably better for the garage) the oldest year that I've got on file. When you apply this complex formula to garage cleaning (or closet purging, or life...) it translates roughly to mean that if I'm bringing home boxes of mementos and such from the old office, I've gotta dump the ex's case of motor oil into the sewer and give the former-boss his tools back.



Why yes I do have a chalk outline of the former band Hardstark on my wall...

Down below, I also demonstrate the benefits of cleaning with music set against the backdrop of the other side of the garage (or, what happens to women who don't clean theirs), how to mostly get into those creepy little corners, and how to organize things by size and category.

So... who's in this with me!?! Hands together now! Let me know where you like to get busy. Garage? Backyard? Porch? That's about all I got, I live in an apartment...


  1. this is awesome! if you have some spare time can you come and fix up my bathroom? :)

  2. Only if I can practice my upholstery skillz...
